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LCGD Graduates win at the Melbourne International Flower & Garden Show

What an absolute thrill to see our students, graduates and very own Director dominate at the Melbourne International Flower & Garden Show! We’re bursting with pride over these incredible achievements:

🏆 Award of Excellence & Gold Medal – Achievable Garden
Massive shoutout to graduates Zoe Rush of @hive_landscape and Emily Rubira of @rubirabydesign for their outstanding work!
🥇 Gold – Border Garden (Ancient Colours)
Hats off to second-year student Kate James of @terreverte_landscape_design for her stunning design!
🥈 Silver – Show Garden (Ode)
A huge round of applause for our very own Director, whose vision and expertise earned him Silver for his breathtaking garden, designed through his practice @candeodesign
It’s been an unforgettable show, and we couldn’t be prouder! To see more of the show, the gardens and the plants stay tuned to our Instagram for more news.